Wednesday, 27 May 2015

what is data? Explain with example. also describe different types of data.

DATA:               a collection of raw facts  and figures related to an object is called data. an object may be a person (or student), an o... thumbnail 1 summary
              a collection of raw facts  and figures related to an object is called data. an object may be a person (or student), an organization, or any other things. Data is collected for  a specific purpose. A piece of data is known as data items. the data items may be a name , a price, a quantity, a code number, mark of student etc.
the word 'raw' means unprocessed. data does not give clear and proper meanings. So it cannot to used directly for decision making. Data can be processed to produce meaningful information.
Types of Data:
      Different types of data are as follows:
                                 Numeric data consists of digits from 0 to 9, +(plus), -(minus) sign and a decimal point.numerical data can be of real type data.
Integer numbers:
                                  it consists of positive or negative whole values.Examples of integer data are 420,302,+62, and -26.
Real Numbers:
                             it consists of values that have decimal point.Examples real data are 15.4, .006, 4.07, and -6.27.
2. Text
               Text data consists of words, sentences, and para-graphics etc. it may consist alphabets, numeric digits and special characters. examples of text data are 'Muhammad Umar', "i love Pakistan", and "475, satellite town, sarghodha".
3.   Image
                     Image consists of charts, graphs, pictures and freehand drawings. for example rise and fall of temperature during a day can be represented by a chart.
4.   Audio
                   Audio consists of music, speech or any other sound or voice. the audio data is the form of continuous signals. it is converted into digital form before entering into computer.
5.    Video
                      Video consists of motion pictures or movie films. then movie films are made using video camera.

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