you may also by in a position to do various things on the computer and able to create, move or delete folders. you have to be mentally alert and up-to-date it your knowledge of computer to ensure that you do not make any mistakes and that you do not spoil or destroy any program or data from the disk.
if you are on windows 98 desktop and you want to see which programs are installed in your computer then:
1. press start button.
now each icon of the program can be seen through which we can know which program is installed in the computer in windows 98.if you want to know what disk drive are present in your computer and which external device are connected to your computer, then you can=an see it by the procedure given below:
1. Double click on my computer icon. on the above screen, it is displayed, how many disk drive s are installed in your computer. now you can check how many directories are available in a disk.
2. Double click on the icon of disk drive, the contest of which you want to see. for example, you can double click on (C:).
As a result the directories (folders) present in that disk appear on the screen.
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