The technology used for processing, storing, and communication information is called information technology or IT. it is the combination of telecommunication technology and computer technology ( hardware and software). it combines computing with high-speed communication links for carrying data form one place to another, all over the world. the website is a type of information technology.
Followings are major components of information technology.
1- Data or information
2- Medium or communication Network
3- Computer hardware and software
the world has become a global village due to information technology. The global village means that people living in the world known each other as if they are living in a village. people can exchange information or messages in such a manner as if they are sitting in a drawing room, face to face.
ICT stands for information and communication technology. Now-a-days IT has been replaced with ICT. it is the combination of computer technology, Easiest way of working using some techniques and machines is called technology.
telecommunication or telephonic technology and wireless technology/Mobile. ICT consists of IT, broadcast media, all types of audio and video processing and transmission and network based control and monitoring functions.