TYPES OF COMPUTER computer many be divided into three categories-digital, analog and hybrid. current use of the word 'comput...
computer many be divided into three categories-digital, analog and hybrid. current use of the word 'computer' always refers to the electronic digital computer which uses solid-state electronic circuits.
1 Digital computer. as its name indicates, a digital computer works digits. min other words, a digital computer is a counting device. it accepts, processes and produce discrete data and computation are done with discrete quantities such as numerical digits. these co
computers obtain answers by counting and are very useful in business as they deal directly with the numbers involved in the processing of business data. as only simple arithmetic is involved in most of the business application, general purpose digital computer system are sufficient for business houses.
2 Analog computers. the word 'analog' derives its origins from the Greek word 'analog' which means similarity of two quantities. these computer operate on the principle of creating a physical analog of mathematical problems to be solved. these computers deal only with scientific measures. in essence analog computers make measurements but not calculations. examples of analog computers are slide rule (to measure distance). speedometer (to measure speed of an automobile) etc. it obtains answered by measuring, therefore, there are mostly used in science and research because of its mobility to carry out complicated scientific and mathematical calculations at a great speed. it is difficult to use these computers without the knowledge of advances mathematical which is necessary for programming. as compared to digital computers, analog computers are slow and less accurate. they are designed for special applications only.
3 Hybrid computers. these computers combine the features of both digital and analog computers. this dual purpose system combines the measuring capabilities of the analog computers and the logical and control capabilities of the digital computers. hybrid
computers find applications in special areas only.
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